Laboratory access request
General Requirements
- With the exception where authorised IT staff may grant access by course code, all persons wishing to access EECS Engineering Laboratories in order to undertake a task must request access.
- All requests must be approved by an authorised person and forwarded to the appropriate Laboratory Supervisor or the Engineering & Technical Support Manager before access can be granted.
- Laboratory access can only be authorised by members of the Engineering & Technical Support Group
Request Approvals - Labs with Standard Access
- With the exception of the Electronics Engineering Laboratory (50-S309) where access may be granted on the spot, the requester's supervisor must approve each request for laboratory access.
Request Approvals - Labs with Restricted Access
For various reasons it may be necessary to restrict access to a laboratory, as such it is the responsibility of each centre or research division to:
- Determine which laboratory will be subject to restricted access
- Nominate a person (or persons) authorised to approve access to the facility
- Notify the Engineering & Technical Support Manager and other relevant persons of the above
Request Access - Undergraduate
- Undergraduates requiring access to a Laboratory in order to undertake a task are required to email their academic supervisor (or an authorised person if access is restricted) requesting access and provide the following information:
- Your full name
- Student number
- Course code
- Room(s) to which access is sought
- Period over which access is required
- Upon approval, the academic supervisor (or an authorised person if access is restricted) should forward the request to either the Laboratory Supervisor or the Engineering and Technical Support Manager for processing at the earliest opportunity
Request Access - Research Higher Degree
- RHD's requiring access to a Laboratory in order to undertake a task are required to email their academic supervisor (or an authorised person if access is restricted) requesting access and provide the following information:
- Your full name
- UQ login
- Room(s) to which access is sought
- Period over which access is required
- Upon approval, the academic supervisor (or an authorised person if access is restricted) should forward the request to either the Laboratory Supervisor or the Engineering and Technical Support Manager for processing at the earliest opportunity.
Request Access - Tutor
- Tutors requiring access to a laboratory in order to undertake a task are required to email the Laboratory Supervisor or Engineering and Technical Support Manager with the following information:
- Your full name
- UQ login
- Course code
- Room(s) to which access is sought
- Period over which access is required
- Upon approval, the request shall be processed at the earliest opportunity
Request Access - Staff
- Staff requiring access to a laboratory in order to undertake a task are required to email the Laboratory Supervisor or Engineering and Technical Support Manager (or an authorised person if access is restricted) with the following information:
- Your full name
- UQ login
- Room(s) to which access is sought
- Period over which access is required
- The request shall be processed at the earliest opportunity
Members of the Engineering & Technical Support Group will not be responsible for the workplace health & safety of any individual in a laboratory unless access has been sought in strict accordance with this procedure and subsequently granted in strict accordance with ETSG Admin Procedure 'Grant Laboratory Access'
Amendments to Procedure
Inform the Engineering & Technical Support Manager at the earliest opportunity if this procedure has, or needs to be altered in any way.