EECS School Guidelines for Students
On this page you will find detailed information on the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Student Guidelines.
The below School guidelines detail policies that are related to student’s studies, in particular assessment, student conduct and occupational health and safety.
Students need to be familiar with the University of Queensland’s Policies, Procedures and Guidelines. Students also need to ensure they read their relevant Course Profile/s, which detail specific course rules and policies.
Exam Script Viewing
This information has been provided to outline the process for students to view final examination scripts. Any comments on this process should be referred to the Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of EECS.
All students attending the School's script viewing sessions must adhere to the following conditions:
- Students must present a valid student ID card to gain entry into the session.
- You may arrive at any time from 1pm up until the last admission into the room at 2:45pm.
- Students cannot take any materials into the room (i.e. no phones, pens, paper, etc. Bags to be left at the front of the room).
- Multiple choice papers and answers are not available via this review process.
- Students may not discuss the contents of their exam with one another during the session, nor with the person supervising the session.
- During the session the student may complete a request for feedback form if they wish to seek clarification of the marking of a particular question/s or if they believe a calculation error has been made.
- Only scripts that you have registered to view will be available at the session.
- Scripts cannot be posted/scanned to students and can only be viewed under supervision at the session.
Following the viewing session, the requests for feedback and exam scripts will be provided back to the Course Coordinator, who will then communicate the feedback to the student directly.
Note: If, in due course, you decide to seek a re-mark please see guidelines and policies for students on my.UQ re: querying a result.
Exam Script Viewing Dates & Registration
The School of EECS holds exam script viewing sessions for students who sat an on-campus end-of-semester exam.
Students whose exams were marked via Gradescope will need to contact their course coordinators regarding viewing their exams.
Details of the exam script viewing sessions are as follows:
Session 2 - Semester 2, 2024
- Date: Thursday, 6th of March, 2025
- Time: 1pm - 3pm (AEST)
- Location: 78-217
- Registration link:
- Registration closes: 9am Wed 26 February 2025
- Courses will have specific hurdles or requirements and/or extension rules, these will be stipulated on the Course Profile.
- Students with a Student Access Plan (SAP) may be eligible for a one week extension without providing additional documentation. Additional documentation (depending on the reason the extension is needed) is required for any further extensions.
- The Coursework Studies Team aims to process all requests for extensions and deferred quizzes within two business days. However, it can take longer during busy times, so we would recommend working towards completing and submitting your assessment by the due date while your extension request is being considered.
- The approved duration of an extension is calculated based on supporting documentation provided and the requirements of the course. We cannot give you longer than is stipulated on your supporting documentation. Additionally, maximum extension limits as outlined in the ECP are enforced.
- If the basis of the application is a medical condition, the illness should be within a period of two weeks prior to the due date of the assignment.
- If you are applying for an extension more than two weeks prior to the due date, your request will be cancelled. You should continue to work on your assessment and aim to submit by the due date. If your circumstances continue, you can then reapply for an extension within two weeks of the due date with appropriate documentation to support your application.
- Supporting documentation must adhere to the UQ guidelines on Acceptable Reasons for an extension.
- Extensions for group assessment items may be available and will require a single request submitted with agreement from at least 50% of the members of the group, and recognition of potential impacts on the other group members. Student Access Plans for an individual student do not guarantee an extension for the assessment item.
Late Extension Requests
- Any request submitted after the deadline, even if you have a SAP, must meet additional requirements and will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.
- Students applying for an extension after the due date need to provide a detailed explanation of why they could not apply before the due date and time in their application in addition to why they require the extension itself and should note that late extensions may not be approved.
Occupational Health & Safety
Students should be aware of the correct work practices that apply to individual work areas they encounter.
The School provides detailed information on occupational health and safety requirements, including lab access and safety, and use of computing facilities. Please read this information carefully.
Referencing Tips
Important detail on how to correctly reference the work of others is available from the UQ Library website. This site provides information about referencing from books, theses, journal articles, multi-media materials, standards, patents and electronic sources.
Training resources in plagiarism and referencing are also available from the UQ Library.
Some of the work done in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will involve reference to non-traditional sources, such as the web, CD-Rom and computer files. Just because the original work is not printed, does not mean it is not subject to proper referencing by students in their assessment.
Similarly, not all work submitted is text-based. Much of it is computer code, hardware devices or schematic or built models. The work you do must, where applicable, be accompanied by a reference list. For a design this could be done in an addendum. References for code could be added as comments. In general we expect that you would produce your own code, devices and drawings but in some circumstances, you may be allowed to copy code or designs.
For example, if you are required to produce some code and you are unsure what to do, it is a good idea to begin by doing some research on the internet to find similar solutions. Let’s suppose you find something close to what you are looking for – don’t just copy the code from the website as this could constitute plagiarism (if it is not referenced), or work with no academic merit. Instead, read the code and use this as the basis to build your own interpretation. It is likely to differ significantly from the code you found on the internet, and therefore it will have academic merit. To avoid any plagiarism accusation, reference the website you used for your inspiration (i.e. 'This code is inspired by an example found at ...').
Don’t leave it to the end - create your list of references as you do your work. Don’t wait until you have finished the assignment. It is not sufficient just to have a list of references at the end – the references must be made or correctly cited in the body of your work.
Supplementary Assessment
If you received a grade of 3 – or a non-graded ‘N’ – you may be eligible for a supplementary assessment. Please check the course profile to see if supplementary assessment is available for the course.
Supplementary assessment can take any form, for example, an oral or a written exam/report which will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Students who are granted a supplementary assessment must obtain a minimum of 50% in the supplementary assessment to pass the course. A grade of 4, expressed as 3S4, or P, expressed as NSP, is the highest grade that can be awarded in a course where supplementary assessment has been granted.