Industry Advisory Board
The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Industry Advisory Board (IAB) provides independent, external and commercially-orientated advice to the School of EECS.
The Board consists primarily of industry members (members who are not UQ staff). The Board is drawn from industry, government and professional organisations with a record of hiring EECS graduates or with a reasonable expectation of hiring such graduates in the future. Members have technical qualifications or equivalent experience that is compatible with the focus of the IAB. Representation will match, as closely as possible, the range of industries in which EECS graduates are employed and according to other such priorities as the Head of School shall determine.
The principal point of contact between the School and the Industry Advisory Board is the Head of School. The School Manager, the Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Deputy Head of School (Research) also have a standing invitation to meetings of the IAB in order to ensure tight linkage between the School’s external advisors and the School’s executive staff.
The functions of the Advisory Board are:
- Advise on the overall School strategy and its implementation, particularly in terms of industry/corporate engagement, impact, business development, external environment, identity and external image of the School, and flagship research activities.
- Review and advise the School on its curriculum to meet graduate and industry needs.
- Act as a sounding board for new ideas and developments in the School.
- Provide appropriate and constructive challenges to assumptions and operating routines of the School.
- Help establish and develop the School’s position within networks of practice, locally, nationally and internationally.
- Advocate for the School and help strengthen connections with industry, alumni and key stakeholders; support the School’s purpose through regular interactions with the School and the broader University.
The Board meets at least four times a year either face-to-face or via video conferencing and on an as-needed basis. The meetings will take place either at UQ’s St Lucia Campus or UQ Downtown, or over Zoom. Members should commit to attending at least 50% of the meetings held each year.
At any point the Head of School may ask members of the Board to join an EECS Working Party for a specified period to assist with curriculum development or any other strategic projects.
Members of the Board will normally serve a three-year term of office and are invited to serve by the Head of School, in consultation with the School’s Leadership Committee and the current Chair of the Board.
The Chair of the Board will be appointed in a similar manner, namely nomination by the Head of School and in consultation with the members of the Board, and will also normally serve for three years.
The Head of School may terminate membership at any stage by providing written notification to the member with justification for the decision. Reasons for terminating membership may include poor attendance at meetings, retirement from EECS-related professions or significant change in employment circumstances.
Members may resign at any stage by giving written notice to the Head of School.
External members
- Mr Neil Readshaw (Chair), Anonyome Labs
- Ms Cristina Cifuentes, Oracle Labs Australia
- Mr Rowan Gilmore, EM Solutions
- Ms Alexandra Price, Energy Queensland
- Mr Rob Wood, Stryker
- Ms Leeanne Bond, Company Director, Board Chair and Board Advisor
- Mr David Hansen, CEO, Australian e-Health Research Centre
- Ms Tracey Kay, Director, Strategy and Operations, Asia-Pacific and Japan, Databricks
EECS internal members
- Professor Michael Brünig, Head of School, EECS
- Mrs Erin Keogh, School Manager, EECS
- Professor Ryan Ko, Director of Research, EECS
- Dr Mashhuda Glencross, Director Teaching and Learning, EECS