Key learning outcomes:

  • Understand the basic principles of tap changers, including oil, vacuum.
  • Learn the basic arrangement of regulating windings, benefits and issues of oil and vacuum diverters. Tap changer considerations for renewables and grid integration.
  • Understand key tap changer specification considerations.
  • Understand tap changer designs and applications, differences between diverter and selector type, Loading capability, the effects on transformer windings.
  • Become familiar with OLTC maintenance for oil and vacuum types. Understand key items  of diverter maintenance, steps to take for high diverter moisture content.
  • Participate in a forum for OLTC fault investigation and supply restoration.
  • Understand MR & ABB retrofit options where oil diverters are replaced by vacuum type diverters.
  • Understand the benefits of  dynamic resistance tests.
  • Be informed of innovative condition assessment of tap-changers using acoustic measurements, signal processing techniques used and results from field trials, case study.
  • Be exposed to how some utilities are implementing life cycle oriented maintenance of tap changers.
  • Learn about high moisture issues in diverters, DGA assessment, life extension.
  • Learn about OLTC failures due to silver sulphide formation.

TIC Platinum Member

TIC Members wishing to use complimentary attendances are requested to contact Ray Holzheimer


TIC Members Platinum Member $1,400 pp.
(Incl 10% GST) Discount 10% for 2, 15% for 3, 20% for 4 or more.
NON TIC MEMBERS One attendee $1,800 pp.
Discount 10% for 2, 15% for 3, 20% for 4 or more.

Registrations close 18th February 2020 or earlier, if all places are filled.

There has been a lot of interest shown for this course and we are happy to reserve places for your company, whilst your approvals are in process.

    Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre: Power transformer tap changers design, maintenance and retrofit

    Mon 24 Feb 2020 11:00amThu 25 Feb 2021 12:00pm


    TransGrid Training Centre, Old Wallgrove Road, Eastern Creek, Sydney

    The aim of this course is to provide practical information, which can be applied to reduce the whole of life costings of your transformer fleet.

    There is a great line up of nine industry and academic speakers with a wealth of knowledge to share.

    During the course, there will be forums/group discussions where one can learn what other companies are doing in managing the life cycle of tap changers. Participants are encouraged to contribute to these discussions, or raise questions about the issues they face.