The Data Science Discipline of the School of ITEE is hosting the following guest seminar:

Multi-Domain Few-Shot Image Classification

Speaker: Dr Yanbin Liu (Australian National University)
Host: Dr Xin Yu

More info:

Abstract: Most existing few-shot classification methods only consider generalization on one dataset (i.e., single-domain), failing to transfer across various seen and unseen domains. In this talk, I will introduce the more realistic multi-domain few-shot classification problem to investigate the cross-domain generalization. Specifically, I will elaborate our ICCV 2021 work which designed a parameter-efficient multi-mode modulator (tri-M) to solve the above problem. First, the modulator is designed to maintain multiple modulation parameters (one for each domain) in a single network, thus achieving single-network multi-domain representation. Given a particular domain, domain-aware features can be efficiently generated with the well-devised separative selection and cooperative query modules. Second, we further divide the modulation parameters into the domain-specific set and the domain-cooperative set to explore the intra-domain information and inter-domain correlations, respectively. We demonstrate that the proposed multi-mode modulator achieves state-of-the-art results on the challenging META-DATASET benchmark, especially for unseen test domains.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Yanbin Liu is currently a Research Fellow in the School of Computing, Australian National University. His research interest involves few-shot learning, deep declarative networks, and spatial-temporal modeling. He has obtained 900+ Google citations, among which the ICLR 19 paper set up a new transductive few-shot benchmark and attracted 600+ followup works. He is the reviewer of major computer vision and machine learning conferences and journals, and received the outstanding reviewer award in CVPR 202

About Data Science Seminar

This seminar series is hosted by EECS Data Science.


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