The School of EECS is hosting the following PhD Review:

A Study on Practical Bluetooth Map-matching

Speaker: Zichun Zhu
Host: Dr Rocky Chen

Abstract: Map-matching aims to align a series of timestamped location readings from various data sources to the actual routes of moving entities over an underlying road network. Existing map-matching methods primarily designed for GPS datasets prove unsuitable for sparse Bluetooth data and limited label available Bluetooth datasets. In response to these issues, we focus on map-matching using Bluetooth data, specifically focusing on map-matching on large road networks. Moreover, we also aim to address the issue of a lack of labelled datasets using reinforcement learning and contrastive learning techniques respectively.

Speaker Bio: Mr Zichun Zhu is a PhD student from EECS at UQ under the supervision of Dr Wen Hua from EECS and Dr Jiwon Kim from the School of Civil Engineering. His research interests include Reinforcement Learning and Spatial Data Mining.

About Data Science Seminar

This seminar series is hosted by EECS Data Science.


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45-413 (Mansergh Shaw Building)