The Data Science discipline is hosting the following seminar
Immersive Data Visualisation and Interactive AI
Speaker: Dr Maxime Cordeil (University of Queensland)
Host: A/Prof Gianluca Demartini
Abstract: In recent years, significant advances in extended reality (XR) and AI have offered novel, promising ways to visualise and eventually better understand large and complex data. Immersion augments our ability to visualise data beyond the 2D screen, offers more display space and more direct interaction with the data. AI can perform, for example, advanced tasks such as exploratory data analysis, or sophisticated classification and segmentation of data. How do these two technologies merge to better inform human-in-the-loop approaches to support data-related tasks? In this talk I will first briefly introduce my previous work in Immersive Analytics, which includes the visualisation of abstract and 3D data in multiple XR scenarios. I will then present my recent work on immersive and interactive 3D point cloud classification through a dialogue with a machine learning model in Virtual Reality, to support a classification task.
Speaker Biography: Dr. Maxime Cordeil is a Senior Lecturer in the Electric Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) School at UQ. Before joining, he was a Postdoc and then a Lecturer in the Immersive Analytics research group at Monash University. He obtained his PhD from the University of Toulouse and the Higher French Institute of Aeronautics and Space, France. In 2021 and 2023, Dr Cordeil has been recognised as Field Leader in Computer Graphics, for his work on Visualisation, by The Australian Research Magazine yearly ranking. He has authored over 60 publications in major conferences and journals in the domains of data visualisation and analytics, human-computer interaction and XR, which include IEEE VIS/TVCG, ACM CHI/UIST, ISMAR and IEEE VR.
About Data Science Seminar
This seminar series is hosted by EECS Data Science.