•        Key design parameters for generator transformers
  •        Differences between generator transformer and other power transformers
  •        How to deal with stray flux in windings, core/clamping, tank and turrets
  •        Special cooling considerations and ratings
  •        Manufacturing challenges/testing  

Presenter: Rob Milledge

Technology Manager & Application Engineer, Power Transformers

Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Rob has had over 40 years  experience in Power Transformer electrical and mechanical design, manufacturing, test for voltages to 550kV and ratings to 1,125MVA.

Rob is the Chair of EL/8 Committee Standards Australia and a member of CIGRE committee – AP A2 Panel. 


*Date :18th February 2021 2.00pm to 4.00pm Brisbane Time (AEST)

Cost +$120 (incl GST) for Non TIC member                    Register Now (ECET102EA1019)

Free for TIC members          TIC members register here or email to Mr. Ray Holzheimer (r.holzheimer@uq.edu.au)

About Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre webinar and CPD courses

The Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre (TIC) will deliver several webinars and CPD courses. Our Continuing Professional Development courses are designed to fill the training gaps for personnel working in electrical utilities, generation, renewables, mining oil and gas, manufacturers, and service staff.

These webinars will typically be 1 hour to 4 hours long and offer great learning outcomes at low cost. The CPD courses will typically be face-to-face over 2 days offer great learning outcomes at low cost.

