Identifying moisture content in transformer solid insulation is extremely important for maintaining a reliable and economical operation of power transformers. As moisture evaluation in solid insulation is primarily based on indirect measurements having knowledge on good practice, correct procedures and limitations of different approaches is essential for transformer owners.

This online series of seminars will cover four different approaches available for moisture estimation in transformers presented by industry and academic experts.

  • Session 1 – Moisture estimation through oil analysis by Tony Ngo: 26 October 2-3 pm
  • Session 2 – Dielectric Response measurements for moisture estimation in transformers by Chandima Ekanayake: 26 October 3-4 pm
  • Session 3 – Moisture measurement in Transformers with Capacitive probes, NOW, Other data needed to understand how WET is my transformer? By Brian D. Sparling: 27 October 2-3 pm
  • Session 4 – Fibre optic measurements for moisture estimation by Hafeez Ansari: 27 October 3-4 pm

Session 1 

Presented by Tony Ngo, Manager Laboratory Services, Powerlink Queensland
Tony holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Applied Chemistry), Graduate Diploma in Information Systems and has 27 years experience in the electricity industry.

This presentation will cover following aspects:

  • Why are you sampling oil?
  • What is it that you are looking for?
  • How the moisture in oil test data is then used for plant insulation and mechanical assessment?
  • How oil sample contamination impacts this analysis?
  • Oil processing/ dehumidifying of the oil.
  • The importance of knowing the original oil sample temperature for subsequent analysis (not just for moisture in insulation calculation).
  • Thermal distribution in a transformer and the impact on the % moisture saturation in oil and possible risks.

Session 2

Presented by Chandima Ekanayake,  Senior Lecture, The University of Queensland. Chandima has 20 years of experience on application of dielectric response measurements for transformer moisture evaluation.

This session will cover following aspects:

  • Why dielectric response?
  • How to estimate moisture from dielectric response?
  • What factors affecting the moisture estimation?
  • Good practice for measurements
  • Limitations of dielectric response measurements

Session 3

Presented by  Brian D. Sparling, Senior Technical Advisor, Dynamic Ratings. Brian has over 20 years of experience in the field of power and distribution transformers. For the last 30 years, he has been involved in all aspects of online monitoring and diagnostics and condition assessment of power transformers.

This session will cover following aspects:

  • History of moisture in oil measurements, lab to sensors, focus from ppm to %RS
  • Focus on sources of moisture in oil, % Relative Saturation and its impact on oil
  • Negative impacts of moisture in oil and paper
  • Application of data collected, and analysis available to understand the insulation system condition
  • Response Plan and Actions resulting from monitoring outputs
  • Communications and Situational Awareness

Session 4

Presented by Muhammad Abdul Hafeez Ansari, Electrical Engineer with EPEC Group. Muhammad completed his PhD from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, on application of fibre optic sensors for moisture estimation in transformers

This session will cover following aspects:

  • Working principles of optical fibre-based measurements
  • Application and feasibility of optical fibre moisture sensors for power transformers.
  • Experimental outcome of the measurements
  • Comparison with existing technology


Free for TIC members

$240 AUD (incl 10% GST) Non-TIC memebers. Payment required.

Email and provide your name, company, position, email and contact details. 

About Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre webinar and CPD courses

The Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre (TIC) will deliver several webinars and CPD courses. Our Continuing Professional Development courses are designed to fill the training gaps for personnel working in electrical utilities, generation, renewables, mining oil and gas, manufacturers, and service staff.

These webinars will typically be 1 hour to 4 hours long and offer great learning outcomes at low cost. The CPD courses will typically be face-to-face over 2 days offer great learning outcomes at low cost.

Free for TIC members. Please email

$240 AUD (incl 10% GST) for Non-TIC members. Please register via the Register button.

