Distribution transformers play an important role in achieving the ambitious energy efficiency targets set by Australian government. Distribution transformers are of high value in terms of energy efficiency because of the number of installed  units in the country. The minimum efficiency target level is legislated as per AS 2374.1.2 Energy Efficiency Standard for Distribution Transformers.

In this webinar, a review of the present energy performance metrics, especially the efficiency at 50% load is reviewed,  paying particular attention to the Australian market which uses the AS 2374.1.2 standard.

The need to update the AS 2374.1.2 standard will be illustrated based on the following:

  • A comparison between AS 2374.1.2 with the IEC 60076-20 metrics.
  • Comparison of AS 2374.1.2 against the 5 global tiers.
  • Importance of Total cost of Ownership and Load factor in loss capitalization, especially the ENA 007 formula.
  • Alternative metrics such as no-load and load loss values and peak efficiency index.


Dr Bhaba DasDr. Bhaba Das

Is the Lead Digital Business Developer for Transformers Business Line, HUB (Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa), Hitachi-ABB Power Grids, based in Singapore. He graduated from Assam Engineering College, Assam, India in 2005 and completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Dr. Das is part of the HUB APMEA Application Engineering Team and spearheads the digital transformation efforts of transformers in the Asia Pacific region.

He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Young Professional of IEC and CIGRE NZ A2 panel member. He has published several peer reviewed journal papers, conference papers and magazine articles till date. Prior to Hitachi-ABB Power Grids, he worked as the Research and Innovation Engineer for ETEL Transformers Ltd in New Zealand. He was awarded the Young Engineer of the Year 2017 by the Electricity Engineers Association of New Zealand for his work on the design and development of smart distribution transformers, fibre optics-based sensors for transformers, and diagnostic software for fleet condition monitoring. He has transformer condition monitoring patents using fibre optics in New Zealand and Australia.



Free for TIC members

$60 AUD (incl 10% GST) Non-TIC memebers. 

About Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre webinar and CPD courses

The Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre (TIC) will deliver several webinars and CPD courses. Our Continuing Professional Development courses are designed to fill the training gaps for personnel working in electrical utilities, generation, renewables, mining oil and gas, manufacturers, and service staff.

These webinars will typically be 1 hour to 4 hours long and offer great learning outcomes at low cost. The CPD courses will typically be face-to-face over 2 days offer great learning outcomes at low cost.

Free for TIC members
$60 AUD (incl 10% GST) Non-TIC memebers.