Power Transformer Field Diagnostic testing-

which test needs to be carried out and how do I interpret the results:

  • What are the common field test methods and equipment used in the industry?
  • What do they test and how does one interpret the results.
  • What are the common online and offline tests?
  • Case Studies
  • Insulation, failure modes and test instruments
  • Transformer maladies
  • Insulation resistance and importance of guarding, bushing surface leakage,
  • Winding ratio and resistance methods and pitfalls, what they can’t detect
  • Excitation current, dielectric dissipation factor
  • Partial discharge testing, PD patterns and PD location methods
  • Frequency response analysis, winding deformation detection
  • Paper moisture electrical methods,
  • Thermal imaging
  • Dangers in HV testing and test equipment care

Presenter Joe Tusek  - Technical Director Verico Asset Integrity Services

Date 24th March 2022 1.00pm to 3.00pm (AEST) (2Hrs)*

Joe has been in the power industry for nearly 40 years and has had roles in power system

transient investigations, asset management, HV testing, plant failure investigations,

synchronous machine modelling, test instrumentation and measurement system design.

He is the convenor of Australian panel of CIGRE D1, Materials and Emerging Test Techniques.

Member of Australian Panel of CIGRE A2, Power Transformers and Reactors, Standards

Australia panel EL-007-01, High Voltage Testing. Joe is the convenor for CIGRE WG D1.71,

Non TIC member - Cost $120.0 AUD (incl GST)            

                                           $109.09 (AUD) for international (no GST) .

TIC members - Free                                                      


About Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre webinar and CPD courses

The Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre (TIC) will deliver several webinars and CPD courses. Our Continuing Professional Development courses are designed to fill the training gaps for personnel working in electrical utilities, generation, renewables, mining oil and gas, manufacturers, and service staff.

These webinars will typically be 1 hour to 4 hours long and offer great learning outcomes at low cost. The CPD courses will typically be face-to-face over 2 days offer great learning outcomes at low cost.