Cyber Security: is a secure future possible?

Cyber Security: is a secure future possible?

2 March 2021 6:00pm
This webinar will discuss the future of cyber security in Australia, Israel and around the world.

Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre: Power transformer condition monitoring and asset management

28 October 2020 10:15am18 November 2020 11:15am
The aim of this course is to provide practical information, which can be applied to reduce the whole of life costings of your transformer fleet.
UQ Bloom

UQ Bloom: IxD Student Exhibit 2020

27 October 2020 4:00pm31 October 2020 8:00pm

CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) Virtual Training

13 October 2020 8:30am3 December 2020 6:00pm
Over eight weeks, you will learn what it takes to effectively design, implement and manage a best-in-class cyber security program.
Cybersecurity incident response in organizations: An in-depth case study and process model

Cybersecurity incident response in organizations: An in-depth case study and process model

9 October 2020 11:00am
Organised, sophisticated and persistent cyber-threat actors pose a significant challenge to large, high-value organizations.
AusCERT 2020 Cyber Security Conference

AusCERT 2020 Cyber Security Conference

15 September 2020 9:00am5:00pm
AusCERT2020 offers a holistic experience for almost anybody working in the information technology sector who has an interest in cyber and information security.
