Researcher biography

Dr Chelsea Dobbins is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at The University of Queensland. Before relocating to Australia, Dr Dobbins was a full-time continuing Senior Lecturer within the Department of Computer Science at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in the UK (2013-2018). She has a background in Software Engineering and expertise in Digital Signal Processing, Applied Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction. Her research focuses on the detection of emotion using smartphones/wearable sensors and personal informatics. This includes areas such as lifelogging, affective computing, pervasive computing, digital health, human computer interaction, machine learning, mobile computing, mobile/wearable sensors, human digital memories, signal processing, and physiological computing. Her research has been supported by the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for work related to developing a mobile lifelogging platform to detect negative emotions during real-life driving. In 2016 she received an ACM Computing Review Notable Article award for work related to mining multivariate temporal smart mobile data.

Areas of research