Dr Xin Yu
Researcher biography
My name is Xin Yu, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland. I am an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award 2023-2025 (DECRA) recipient and an awardee of the prestigious Google Research Scholar Program in 2021. Previously, I was a research fellow at the Australian National University (ANU). I received my PhD degree from the Australian National Unversity under the supervision of Prof. Richard Hartley, Prof. Fatih Porikli and Dr. Basura Fernando. I also received a PhD degree from Tsinghua University supervised by Prof. Li Zhang. I am interested in Computer Vision and Machine Learning topics.
My research topics includes various computer vision and machine learning tasks, especially in efficient low-level image processing, image retrieval and localization, action recognition, 3D pose estimation, visual navigation and sign language recognition and translation.