This project is developing a framework to help designers create location-based, playful systems.

These systems facilitate interactive, social experiences that build from, and depend on, features of the places where people will use these systems.

Location dependence
The design-for-location framework on printed cards (also available in a web format)


  • Macdonald, Lorna, Matthews, Ben, and Viller, Stephen (2020). Design guidance for location-based play: a review of research frameworks. DRS2020, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 11-14 August, 2020. London, United Kingdom: Design Research Society.    
  • Morrison, Ann, Macdonald, Lorna, MacColl, Ian and Simpson, Matthew (2006). The Pedagogical Practice of Locative Experience. Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), 14 (3), 1-3. 
  • Macdonald, Lorna. (2005, January). Designing for location-dependence. In 42nd Digital Arts and Culture Conference 2005 (pp. 1-4). 

Get in touch

Lorna Macdonald 


Project members

Ms Lorna Macdonald

Lecturer - Teaching Focused
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Associate Professor Ben Matthews

Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Associate Professor Stephen Viller

Discipline Leader Human Centred Computing & Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science