Physical News Card Deck

The Physical News Card Deck is a set of 48 cards and four activities designed to encourage journalists to imagine how physical computing technologies could be incorporated into public interest storytelling. The deck represents a novel way to think about how journalistic practice could respond to the emergence of tangible interfaces and ambient information environments. 

Although card decks are an established tool to support design work, no tool exists for journalistic contexts. The Physical News deck uses news stories and constraints that are particular to journalistic practice alongside technologies such as LED lights, radio transmission tags, sensors and mixed reality.

The deck is available to download and comes with a set of workshop activities, find it here:

Get in touch

Dr Skye Doherty

Project members

Academic and Research Staff

Associate Professor Ben Matthews

Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Associate Professor Stephen Viller

Discipline Leader Human Centred Computing & Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science