Australian Digital Observatory

3 August 2022 1:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Australian Digital Observatory?" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

Learning with Noisy Labels

29 July 2022 1:00pm2:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Learning with Noisy Labels?" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

UQ Interaction Design Exhibit 2022

2 June 2022 1:00pm7:00pm
Experience new ways to interact with digital technology in this rapidly evolving field at the 2022 UQ Interaction Design Exhibit.

Are Labels Always Necessary for Model Evaluation?

1 June 2022 1:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Are Labels Always Necessary for Model Evaluation?" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

Towards Developing Efficient Vision Transformer

25 May 2022 1:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Towards Developing Efficient Vision Transformer" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

Succeeding as a startup in sustainability - An evening with Tritium founder, Dr David Finn

19 May 2022 5:00pm7:00pm
The UQ IEEE HKN Mu-Kappa Chapter are proud to be hosting UQ Alumnus Dr David Finn, Founder and Chief Vision Officer of Tritium DCFC at an evening in conversation with the UQ community.

Improving Performance of Lightweight Networks via Knowledge Distillation

18 May 2022 1:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Improving Performance of Lightweight Networks via Knowledge Distillation" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

Improving Robustness of Deep Learning Models on Out-of-domain Data

11 May 2022 1:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Improving Robustness of Deep Learning Models on Out-of-domain Data" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

An Overview of Recent Advances in Neural Information Retrieval

4 May 2022 1:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "An Overview of Recent Advances in Neural Information Retrieval" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

Butterfly Counting on Uncertain Bipartite Graphs

29 April 2022 2:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Butterfly Counting on Uncertain Bipartite Graphs" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

Diversity and Fairness from a Ranking Evaluation Perspective

27 April 2022 1:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Diversity and Fairness from a Ranking Evaluation Perspective" on our weekly Data Science seminar series.

Socio-Economic Diversity in Human Annotations

13 April 2022 1:00pm
Join us as we discuss the topic of "Socio-Economic Diversity in Human Annotations."

A Conceptual Framework for a Representational Approach to Information Retrieval

7 April 2022 9:00am10:00am
Join us as we discuss the topic of "A Conceptual Framework for a Representational Approach to Information Retrieval."
samples in lab

Sampling/testing oils in the field, laboratory testing, interpreting the results

31 March 2022 2:00pm4:00pm
This session will involve sampling/ testing of olis in the field. Join Sales & Marketing Manager for TJ|H2b Analytical Services, Antony Giacomin as he discusses sampling and testing of oils.

Self-Supervised Learning for Recommender Systems: Fundamental and Advances

30 March 2022 1:00pm2:00pm
Join us for an exciting seminar on the topic of "Self-Supervised Learning for Recommender Systems: Fundamental and Advances."

The new IEC 60296 revision and its impact on the changing market dynamics

29 March 2022 3:00pm4:00pm
The seminar aims to provide some insights to the changes of the insulating oils’ requirements and specifications, at the same time how this new edition of IEC 60296 for insulating oils impacts the dynamic market for insulating oil industry.

Power Transformer Field Diagnostic testing- which test needs to be carried out and how do I interpret the results

24 March 2022 1:00pm3:00pm
• What are the common field test methods and equipment used in the industry?
• What do they test and how does one interpret the results.
• What are the common online and offline tests?
