Interaction Design Exhibit 2024

29 May 2024

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at The University of Queensland has been hosting its Interaction Design Exhibit event since 2009. This annual event showcases interactive prototypes developed by students from the Bachelor of Information Technology (User Experience Design major) and Master of Interaction Design programs during the Physical Computing and Interaction Design Studio courses. 

The Interaction Design and User Experience (UX) programs at UQ are distinctive, equipping students to tackle emerging challenges in the rapidly evolving field of interactive technologies. The faculty members, who are experts in Human-Centred Computing, guide students in designing and prototyping new ways for people to experience technologies and interact with them. Their approach emphasises designing for the ‘near future’—ways of interacting with technologies that are currently possible, but rarely explored. 

‘Today’s technologies rely on interactions that we have been using for a long time, often for decades. With the rate of technology development, tomorrow’s interactions could be fundamentally different. By exploring and prototyping new opportunities, our students are both inventing the future and developing the skills to flourish in that future.’

Dr Jarrod Knibbe, Senior Lecturer in Interaction Design

Visitors at the Exhibit were able to interact with 19 student prototypes. They were able to explore, ask questions, and experience each of the prototypes.

Visitors had to throw, hit, shake, wish, rake, steer, and control various new technologies and devices, all of which offered alternative visions for how our future user experience (UX) design professionals might develop the relationship between people and technologies.

The event fosters creativity, innovation, and problem solving, encouraging students to reimagine technology’s role in our everyday lives.
