Professor Tapan Saha

Researcher biography
Prof Tapan Saha was born in Bangladesh and immigrated to Australia in 1989. Tapan received his PhD from the University of Queensland in 1994. Previously, Tapan obtained a B. Sc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka in 1982 and a Master of Technology in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi in 1985. He has been with the University of Queensland since 1996, where he has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering since 2005. Previously he was an Adjunct Professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University and Hunan University in China. Previously he worked in James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville for two and a half years and in BUET for three and a half years.
Tapan Saha is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineers Australia. He is a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) of Engineers Australia and a Registered Professional Engineer of the State of Queensland (RPEQ). He is on the National Engineering Register (NER). Prof Saha is on the APEC Engineer Register and on the Register of International Professional Engineers.
His current research projects are in the fields of:
- Renewable energy integration to electricity grid
- Smart condition monitoring for transformers and other ageing assets
Prof Saha is actively involved with a number of organisations:
- Leader: Power, Energy and Control Engineering Discipline
- Leader: UQ Solar
- Founding Director: Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre
- Leader: Industry 4.0 UQ Energy TestLab
- IEEE Power & Energy Society Distinguished Lecturer
- ARC College of Expert Member
- Editorial Board Member, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
- Editorial Board Member & Consulting Editor, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
- Senior Editor, IEEE Access
- Electrical College Board (Engineers Australia) Member (2015-2020)
- CIGRE Australian Panel A2 Member
- IEEE Power & Energy Society Queensland Chapter: Chair (2021-2022)
- Faculty Adviser: IEEE MU Kappa Chapter (UQ)
- Student Counsellor: IEEE PES/DEIS UQ Student Branch
- Member, Queensland Electrical Branch (Engineers Australia, till 2023)