Dr Feifei Bai

Researcher biography
Feifei Bai is a Senior Lecturer with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Queensland, Australia. She is also an adjunct Senior Research Fellow at Griffith University. She was awarded the Advance Queensland Fellow in 2018. Her research contributions can be recognised by a strong publication record, secured over $4.6 million research projects, patent commercialisation, and research outcome implementation by the industry. She serves as a guest associate editor for the special issue "Flexible and Resilient Urban Energy Systems" of the International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems in 2021. She is an associate editor for the journal of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution and an assistant editor for the International Journal of Green Energy. She also actively collaborates with Australian industries including Energy Queensland, NOJA Power, Powerlink, AEMO, and EPEC Group. One ARENA project in which she was a key researcher received an Australian Engineering Excellence Award in 2020.