designing advocacy
Workshops with injured workers and their advocates

The designing advocacy project works with a range of stakeholders with reduced agency, such as people with mental health needs, chronic illnesses, injured workers, people experiencing grief and loss, and other sensitive, stigmatised or at-risk groups.

We have developed methods for the inclusion of their perspectives in design processes, insights about their specific conditions and needs, critical analyses of how they are conceptualised from the perspectives of technologists and service providers, and design proposals for services and technologies that aim to amplify their agency. 


  • Matthews, B., Doherty, S., Worthy, P., & Reid, J. (2022). Design thinking, wicked problems and institutioning change: A case study. CoDesign, (in press), 1–17.
  • Orlowski, S., Matthews, B., Lawn, S., Jones, G., Bidargaddi, N., & Venning, A. (2018). Designing for practice: Understanding technology use in rural community-based youth mental health contexts. CoDesign, 15(2), 1–22. 
  • Orlowski, S., Lawn, S., Antezana, G., Venning, A., Winsall, M., Bidargaddi, N., & Matthews, B. (2016). A Rural Youth Consumer Perspective of Technology to Enhance Face-to-Face Mental Health Services. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(10), 3066–3075. 
  • Orlowski, S., Lawn, S., Matthews, B., Venning, A., Jones, G., Winsall, M., Antezana, G., Bidargaddi, N., & Musiat, P. (2016). People, processes, and systems: An observational study of the role of technology in rural youth mental health services. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 
  • Orlowski, S., Matthews, B., Bidargaddi, N., Jones, G., Lawn, S., Venning, A., & Collin, P. (2016). Mental Health Technologies: Designing With Consumers. JMIR Human Factors, 3(1), e4. 
  • Kelly, J., & Matthews, B. (2014). Displacing use: Exploring alternative relationships in a human-centred design process. Design Studies, 35(4), 353–373. 

Get in touch 

For more information about this project, please get in touch with 

Dr Ben Matthews 

Project members

Academic and Research Staff

Associate Professor Ben Matthews

Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dr Peter Worthy

Lecturer in Human-Centred Computing
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Research Scholars