Pleasse note: We no longer manufacture PCBs in-house.

Persons within ITEE
  • Job requests that do not attract material charges and/or require less than 1 hour of labour may be presented directly to any member of the Engineering & Technical Support Group for processing without the need of a Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document
  • Job requests that attract material charges and/or require 1 hour or more of labour may be presented directly to any member of the Engineering & Technical Support Group for processing along with the appropriate Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document

Request Forms:

  1. Request externally manufactured PCB(s) for ITEE T&L courses only - Download PCB Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document Here (PDF, 70.8 KB)
  2. Request for all other services (Electronics Engineering Lab Only) - Download General Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document Here (PDF, 44.5 KB)
    • Printed forms are also available from the Engineering & Technical Support Manager (Hawken Room S309)
  3. Request for faculty workshop services (Mechanical Workshop), please see Makerspace - Workshops.
All others
  • All job requests shall be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Manager for processing using the appropriate Technical Instruction Form
  • A completed RISQ Form (Request for Internal Services Quote) must be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Manager before any request is processed

Request Forms:

  1. Request for all services (Electronics Engineering Lab) - Download General Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document Here (PDF, 44.5 KB)
    • Printed forms are also available from the Engineering & Technical Support Manager (Hawken Room S309)
  2. Request for Internal Services Quote - Download RISQ Here (PDF, 63.8 KB)
  3. Request for faculty workshop services (Mechanical Workshop), please visit Makerspace - Workshops.