Laboratories belonging to the School are situated in 4 locations: Axon Building (47), Hawken Building (50), GP South (78) and Foxtail (Long Pocket (1019)).  Please refer to the laboratory access information below for further information.

Risk Assessments have been carried out with regard to normal activities in each of our laboratories and are a condition of entry.

Laboratory access for students

Computer Rooms

  • Access to teaching computer rooms is automatically allocated and is dependent upon course code.

Teaching Labs

Research / Project / Thesis Labs / Electronics Engineering Laboratory (50-S309)

Computer Rooms - are managed by the IT Infrastructure Group

Research / Project / Thesis labs - are managed by the Engineering & Technical Support Group.

You are required to familarise yourself with the Laboratory Rules before entering any of the School's laboratories of computer rooms

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Potential hazard ratings

Each laboratory has been assigned a potential hazard rating result in Low, Medium, High or X High rating

LOWIndicates lab activities are associated with the use of computers onlyStandard undergraduate access hours: 24/7 access is granted at discretion of the School
MEDIUMIndicates lab activities are associated with general low voltage (60VDC / 40VAC max) experiments / projects / equipment consisting of an oscilloscope, DC power supply, function generator, soldering station and/or assorted hand tools and/or PC.Standard undergraduate access hours: access is granted from 08:00 to 22:00 (7 Days) at the discretion of the School
HIGHIndicates activities may be associated with all of the above and/or hi-voltage (from low voltage to 350VDC / 240VAC max) experiments / projects / presence of dangerous moving or rotating parts.Standard undergraduate access hours: access is granted from 08:00 to 18:00 (5 Days) at the discretion of the School.  (Supervision is required when working with hi-voltages)
X-HIGHIndicates activities may be associated with all of the above and/or experiments / projects / involving extra hi-voltage (greater than hi-voltage).Standard undergraduate access hours: only granted with 100% supervision and at the discretion of the School

Potential hazard ratings are used by the School to assess supervisory requirements and the number of hours that access may be granted.  A low rating does not, in any way, imply the lab has a risk free environment in which to work.

Information regarding the general risk assessment and the potential hazard rating will appear on the door to each lab.

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How to request access to laboratories

  • If you require access to the Electronics Engineering Laboratory (50-S309) you may proceed directly to the lab and request access.
  • Note - entry will be denied until the appropriate Online OH&S Declaration and the U/G Student Lab Safety Induction Assessment has been completed.
  • To request access to all other ITEE Laboratories please refer to the information below - access can only be granted by Engineering & Technical Support Staff
  • Please do not request lab access via the Helpdesk!

Undergraduate access:
Email your academic supervisor (or authorised person if access is restricted) with the following details:

  • Full Name
  • Student Number
  • Course Code
  • Room(s) to which access is sought
  • Period over which access is required (Maximum is one semester)

Ask for your request to be approved and forwarded to the appropriate Lab Supervisor or to the Engineering & Technical Support Manager for processing. Note - entry will be denied until the appropriate Online OH&S Declaration and the U/G Student Lab Safety Induction Assessment has been completed and passed (16+).

RHD access:
Email your academic supervisor (or authorised person if access is restricted) with the following details:

  • Full Name
  • UQ Login
  • Room(s) to which access is sought
  • Period over which access is required

Ask for your request to be approved and forwarded to the appropriate Lab Supervisor or to the Engineering & Technical Support Manager for processing. Note - entry will be denied until the appropriate Online OH&S Declaration and the U/G Student Lab Safety Induction Assessment has been completed and passed (16+).

Tutor access:
Email the Laboratory Supervisor or the Engineering Technical Support Manager with the following details:

  • Full Name
  • UQ Login
  • Room(s) to which access is sought
  • Period over which access is required

Upon approval, the request shall be processed at the earliest opportunity.  Note - entry will be denied until the appropriate Online OH&S Declaration has been completed and the relevant U/G Student Lab Safety Induction Assessment has been completed and passed (16+).

Staff Access:
Email the Laboratory Supervisor or the Engineering & Technical Support Manager (or authorised person if access is restricted) with the following details:

  • Full Name
  • UQ Login
  • Room(s) to which access is sought
  • Period over which access is required

The request shall be processed at the earliest opportunity. Note - entry will be denied until the appropriate Online OH&S Declaration and the U/G Student Lab Safety Induction Assessment has been completed and passed (16+).

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Electronics Engineering Lab

Location: Hawken Building (#50) - Room S309B
Lab Manager: Mr Richard Newport
Operating Hours: 7:30am - 3:45pm, Monday - Friday (Excluding Public Holidays)
Ph: 07 366 53760  /   0447 571 002

Persons wishing to use these laboratory facilities are required to:

  • Request Access to the laboratory (see lab staff)
  • Once access has been authorised, an Online OHS Declaration for this room must be completed
  • The U/G Student Lab Safety Induction Assessment must be completed as a condition of entry

The Electronics Laboratory offers a wide range of services as well as providing conventional and surface mount soldering facilities for ITEE students and staff during normal operating hours

Our PCB and Schematic Libraries have been developed to be fully compatible with our manufacturing options.


  • Design of printed circuit boards
  • Design of electronic circuits and associated mechanical assemblies
  • Fabrication and assembly of new electronic equipment
  • Instruction and assistance with the operation of various types of equipment and instruments
  • Instruction and assistance with the fabrication and assembly of new electronic equipment
  • Assistance with printed circuit board design
  • Assistance with our computer-aided design software
  • Instruction and assistance with through-hole & surface mount soldering
  • Instruction and advice regarding workplace health & safety
  • Instruction and advice regarding standard practices
  • Provide and maintain a comprehensive stock of components and materials (search store catalogue)
  • Calibration and test & tag services
  • General repair and maintenance services
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Teaching laboratories

LocationPhone        Lab NameDivisionCapacitySupervisorStatusHazard Rating
47-209 Team Project LabITEE48J.ZhouOperationalMEDIUM
47-401 Electronics and Communications LabITEE60D.WaitesOperationalMEDIUM
50-S105 Electronics LabITEE56D.WaitesOperationalMEDIUM
50-S202 Energy Test LabITEE16D.WaitesOperationalMEDIUM
78-212 Electronics and Communications LabITEE26B.HeninOperationalMEDIUM
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Thesis and research laboratories

LocationPhoneLab NameDivisionCapacitySupervisor/CustodianStatusPotential Hazard Rating
47-101 Intelligent Equipment Diagnostics LabPES/PES2J.ZhouOperationalX-HIGH
47-201 Thesis/General Purpose LabITEE/GP18S.SabbaghOperationalMEDIUM
47-306 Power LabPES/PES6D.WaitesOperationalHIGH
47-311 Mechatronics LabBEE/MEC8S.SabbaghOperationalMEDIUM
47-311C UAV LabBEE/MEC4S.SabbaghOperationalHIGH
50-C406 Robotics Design StudioHCC/HCC10S.SabbaghOperationalMEDIUM
50-C406A Robotics Fabrication LabHCC/HCC4S.SabbaghOperationalMEDIUM
50-C407 Drone Lab and Dynamics StudioHCC/HCC8S.SabbaghOperationalMEDIUM
50-S202 Energy Test LabPES/CSSE8D.WaitesOperationalHIGH
50-S507/A Ant Test Near/FarBEE/MOC2B.HeninBooking RequiredMEDIUM
50-S508 Microwave LabBEE/MOC2B.HeninBooking RequiredMEDIUM
50-S509 Microwave LabBEE/MOC3B.HeninOperationalMEDIUM
50-S511 Microwave LabBEE/MOC12B.HeninOperationalMEDIUM
78-105 Photonics Lab 2BEE/MOC4B.HeninOperationalMEDIUM
78-110 Photonics LabBEE/MOC10B.HeninOperationalMEDIUM
78-112 Photonics Prep RoomBEE/MOC4B.HeninOperationalMEDIUM
78-113 Terahertz LabBEE/MOC4B.HeninOperationalHIGH
78-117 MedTeQ Thesis LabBEE/BME9B.HeninOperationalMEDIUM
78-121 MedTeq RF & Electronics LabBEE/BME8B.HeninOperationalMEDIUM
78-207 Physical DesignWorkshopHCC/HCC20S.SabbaghOperationalMEDIUM
78-310 Social Robotics LabHCC/HCC4S.SabbaghOperationalMEDIUM
1019-112 Transformer Innovation Centre/HV LabPES/PES4J.ZhouOperationalX-HIGH
1019-117 Transformer Innovation Centre/HV Research Group StorePES/PES4J.ZhouOperationalHIGH
1019-515 Green Pulse Power LabPES/PES4D.WaitesOperationalHIGH
1019-519 Green Pulse Power LabPES/PES4D.WaitesOperationalHIGH
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Booking solder and ant labs

Find more information on booking solder and ant labs.


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Test and tag

Electrical items used within the faculty must undergo electrical safety testing (Test and Tag) prior to use. 

Find more information on Test and Tag on the EAIT Innovation Group website.

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