Girls cracking careers in computer science

15 May 2019

It was a love for cracking the code and solving complex problems that led University of Queensland alumnus Kim Eupene to a successful digital career.

Kim is the current GM Digital at Canstar and works on digital strategies, design, innovation and sales.

“I love that working in digital demands empathy, creativity and an ability to find design and technology solutions to real-world organisational and customer challenges,” Kim said.

Kim will be sharing her story and experiences with female high school students at UQ’s Girls in Computer Science event, this week.

“There was a time in my early career when it was really normal for me to be the only woman in the room for a meeting, but this isn’t the case anymore,” she said.

“There are a huge number of incredibly talented women in digital, in computer science, in interaction design and in software engineering.”

UQ software engineering student Anna Truffet will join Kim, sharing her own insights as a current student.

“Being able to write codes and provide solutions to complex problems is an incredible feeling,” she said.

“It is really exciting to see your code up and running after spending countless hours writing and debugging it.”

Anna is also getting hands-on experience in industry while studying, interning one day a week with financial services technology company GBST.

“Knowing that my work could improve the safety and the quality of people’s lives is the reason I keep at it every day, even when at times it feels like you’re hitting your head against a brick wall.”

Female high school students and their parents are invited to attend the event at UQ’s Advanced Engineering Building for a night of inspiration and empowerment.

Guests will not only hear about the experiences of current female students, alumni and industry leaders, but will also have the opportunity to take part in hands on activities, view UQ student displays and experience virtual reality.

To register visit the event page before 5pm Thursday 16 May.
