Tutoring is a great opportunity for students to gain experience in communication, preparation, responsibility, and administration.

All of these are skills that look good on any resumé, and will help you in your future career, whether that be in industry or academia.

The School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering gives high priority to professional development in teaching for all academic staff, including tutors.

We continually upgrade our programs, computing and laboratory infrastructure and our teaching and learning techniques. Our programs are accredited by Engineers Australia and the Australian Computer Society.

3. Tutor resources

UQ Resources

UQ provides through the Institute of Teaching and Learning Innovation a suite of resources for tutors including information on induction and training, employment, presentation tips and resources, assessment and marking, and important policies and guidelines.

Explore ITaLI tutor resources

EAIT Resources

Explore EAIT tutor resources

Resources for Handling Difficult Students and Crisis Situations

As tutors sometimes you may experience situations where students are in presenting challenging behaviours or are in crisis.

Explore resources to help in challenging situations

CAHP Resources for Claiming for Non-Scheduled Activities

A few years ago the University of Queensland implemented significant process improvements in the hiring and payment of casual academic staff across the institution. This change means that Casual Academic staff will be paid according to a pre-determined schedule of activities, with timesheets only required when there is a deviation from the schedule.

Explore CAHP resources

Salary and pay deadlines for CAHP

Tutor Workshop – 16 September 2021

Topics will include:

  • The Role of tutors – A/Prof Peter Sutton (ITEE Deputy Head of School – Teaching and Learning)
  • Presentation from experienced tutors on their journey as a tutor with ITEE – Anna Truffet and Jack Stubbs
  • Presentation on student experience/engagement – Dr Peter O’Shea (ITEE Director of Student Experience)
  • Open Forum - sharing good practice
  • Your Feedback/areas for improvement – A/Prof Marcus Gallagher (ITEE Tutor Coordinator)
  • Communications/resources – Karen Kinnear (Manager, Academic Programs and Student Support)

Recording of session