Tutoring is a great opportunity for students to gain experience in communication, preparation, responsibility, and administration.

All of these are skills that look good on any resumé, and will help you in your future career, whether that be in industry or academia.

The School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering gives high priority to professional development in teaching for all academic staff, including tutors.

We continually upgrade our programs, computing and laboratory infrastructure and our teaching and learning techniques. Our programs are accredited by Engineers Australia and the Australian Computer Society.

2. How to apply

Prospective applicants should consider the trade-off between time to study on the one hand, and the experience and monetary rewards of tutoring on the other hand, before deciding whether to apply or how much tutoring to apply for. Note that some work, particularly assignment marking, may need to be done in the revision period, and this may disrupt your own study if you are a coursework student.

You can register your interest in tutoring at http://tutor.eait.uq.edu.au.

You will need to supply:

  • contact information, including email address
  • your academic results and/or qualifications
  • preferences for tutoring (e.g. specific course names/codes).

The University treats information collected by it as confidential and complies with Australian and Queensland privacy laws and guidelines. Information supplied by you will only be used for the administrative purposes of the University or in accordance with a specific consent given by you. The University will not make available to a third party any personal information supplied by you unless required or permitted by law.

Apply now