Global warming and climate change concerns have led to rapid development and deployment of renewable energy and other environmentally sound technologies.

Most of these technologies are based on power electronic devices. Understanding the technical challenges associated with the technologies and investing in technological solutions are vital for increasing uptake of the new renewable technologies. This core research theme focuses on planning and operational planning issues at the system level.

Some key research focus areas in the theme are highlighted below:

System inertia and Primary Frequency Support: The research aims at developing innovative techno-economic control strategies for energy storage(s) to provide frequency services.

Assessing and Enhancing System Strength: This research will examine system strength from the point of view of dynamic voltage stability and interpreting its interaction with the other power system stability categories.

Distribution System and Hosting Capacity: This research focuses on thoroughly investigating the system strength of distribution systems with high penetration of renewable distributed generation and other emerging technologies. The project aims at establishing a connection between various system strength measures and system stability to find out the hosting capacity of distribution grids.

Forced Oscillation Detection and Countermeasures: Forced oscillation has recently been detected in actual power systems with high renewable energy penetration, which could result in a widespread blackout. This research aimed at forced oscillation detection and technical solutions to overcome the forced oscillation.

Large-scale Deployments of Battery Energy Storage and Integration of EV charging Station: This research focused on smart integration of largescale battery energy storage and operational aspects of EV charging stations for improved grid stability and market operations.

Microgrid and EV management

Energy storage impact on LV and HV grid

Effective and efficient management of grid storage