Pre-Assigned Bookings

ITEE Engineering Teaching Labs are assigned depending upon course requirements and are administered by the Faculty in consultation with the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager.

Faculty contact details:

Pre-Assigned Bookings - Timetable

  • Bookings and timetable information may be viewed in your Microsoft Outlook Public Folders: Public Folders/Alll Public Folders/EAIT/EAIT-Rooms
  • Bookings and timetable information may also be viewed by going to mySI-net and searching Course & Timetable information

Pre-Assigned Bookings - Spreadsheet

  • Although lab bookings and timetables may be viewed in Microsoft Outlook Public Folders and on mySI-net, the information contained therein is not easily discerned
  • As a consequence, lab bookings and timetable information is available in spreadsheet format and may be viewed on the Laboratory Schedules page
  • The Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager is responsible for maintaining the spreadsheet and should be informed of any discrepancies at the earliest opportunity

Laboratory Booking Requests

  • Booking requests may be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager or by contacting the Faculty at
  • Both the Faculty and ETSG Manager shall keep each other informed of any alterations to lab schedules

Amendments to Procedure

Inform the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager at the earliest opportunity if this procedure had, or needs to be altered in any way