The role of the Workplace Health and Safety Committee is to ensure that staff and students belonging to, or associated with the School, are afforded the best possible care.

The committee is elected annually and is made up of representatives from all areas within the School.

Committee: Members and representatives of note
Role / AreaNameRoomPhone
Chair & Head of SchoolProf Michael Bruenig78-41853869

Ms Shohreh Sabbagh Tabrizi

Duties and Terms of Reference

The Workplace Health and Safety Committee is responsible for:

  • Interpretation and application of University Occupational Health & Safety policies and procedures at the School or Organisational Unit level.
  • Preparation of safety manuals for the School or Organisational Unit. In some areas this may require only circulation of University guidelines or policies.
  • Periodic surveys and inspections to detect hazards and make recommendations for change.
  • Hazard reporting and accident / injury record keeping.
  • Ensuring the investigation and implementation of control measures for those accident / incident / injury reports referred by the Faculty Occupational Health & Safety Committees.
  • Facilitating cooperation between management and staff in the resolution of Occupational Health & Safety issues and in developing and carrying out measures to ensure workplace health and safety at a workplace.
  • Referring important Occupational Health & Safety matters, not resolvable at the local level, to the Faculty Occupational Health & Safety Committee.
  • Provision and maintenance of personal protective equipment and first aid facilities.
  • Involvement in emergency evacuation (in some cases the working group may absorb the functions of the fire and emergency evacuation into their responsibilities. In all cases they should at least work with the building wardens).
  • Educating staff and distributing occupational health and safety information.
  • Recommending priorities for safety-related maintenance and works programs to the Faculty Occupational Health & Safety Committees.