Thesis assessment items
There are a number of assessment items you must complete throughout your thesis.
Always check your course profile to confirm the assessment items and due dates for your specific project course. The list in the course profile is the definitive version.
Academic Integrity Tutorial (online)
All EECS Thesis Project students must complete the UQ Academic Integrity Tutorial as a pass/fail requirement of the course. The tutorial can be accessed on the UQ Library website.
It is a University requirement that students complete the Academic Integrity Tutorial before graduation. However, academic integrity is particularly relevant to a thesis project so it's appropriate that student completion of the tutorial is verified early in the project.
Annotated bibliography
Students undertaking a postgraduate (level 7) coursework thesis are required to compile an annotated bibliography of literature relevant to their project.
The annotated bibliography assists the development of proper referencing style and the short annotations form the kernel of the literature review in the thesis.
UQ provides guidelines and advice on how to write a literature review.
If using EndNote or other bibliographic management software always check that citations generated are correct. A full description of the IEEE citation reference style can be found on IEEE’s website (PDF, 568.1 KB).
Library workshops are available to help you prepare for this assessment item. The UQ Library also runs separate EndNote classes and training guides are available on the UQ Library website.
The bibliography is marked by the supervisor on a pass/fail basis using the annotated bibliography marksheet (PDF, 51.7 KB)
The annotated bibliography is to be submitted via Blackboard (Turnitin).
Proposal Draft
Each student must write a project proposal which clearly defines the thesis topic, presents a review of relevant background materian and an assessment of the impact of previous work on the current project. The Proposal Draft is an earlier version of the final Proposal, with a particular focus on these items. In addition, a brief version of the project plan is to be included with a list of milestones, their dates and the required resources needed to complete these. This section will be expanded for the final proposal.
All background and related material should be appropriately references and appear in a bibliography. The proposal must also contain a satisfactory Occupational Health and Safety risk assessment for the project.
Assessment criteria
The proposal draft will be marked by the supervisor against the proposal draft marking criteria (PDF, 101 KB).
The project proposal must be submitted via Blackboard by the due time.
Project proposal
Each student must write a project proposal which clearly defines the thesis topic, presents a review of relevant background material and an assessment of the impact of previous work on the current project.
Importantly, the proposal should state the purpose, aims, coverage and relevance of the project and a project plan for its completion.
All background and related material should be appropriately referenced and appear in a bibliography. The proposal must also contain a satisfactory Occupational Health and Safety risk assessment for the project.
There is no set format or length of the project proposal, and this should be discussed with the thesis supervisor.
Using the format of the final thesis will assist in the integration of the material from the progress report into the final thesis.
The length of actual text (excluding title pages, tables of content, etc) is usually around 15 pages.
Assessment criteria
The project proposal will be marked by the supervisor against the project proposal marking criteria (PDF, 307.1 KB).
Library workshops are available to help you prepare for this assessment item.
The project proposal must be submitted via Blackboard (Turnitin) by the due time.
Check with your supervisor as they may want a paper copy as well.
Seminar and seminar participation
Approximately half way through their projects, students orally present the key content of their research and the progress of their work.
The seminar should describe the scope and relevance of their thesis, the reviewed literature and its relevance to the thesis, the work carried out so far and the work remaining to be done.
The material should be prepared in a fashion that suits oral presentation and gives justice to the progress made so far.
It is essential that the seminar is not merely an oral presentation of the previously submitted project proposal but is focused on the progress in the project since the submission of the proposal.
Assessment criteria
Your seminar will be marked by your supervisor using the criteria on the seminar marksheet (PDF, 211.4 KB).
You should consult with your supervisor to arrange your Project Progress Seminar at least one week prior to the scheduled assessment.
The supervisor will provide you with a Zoom link for the agreed time. You will be able to see the complete seminar schedule via the Assessment tab in Blackboard.
Seminar participation
You must also participate in at least five other seminars and have your participation recorded on the seminar participation form (PDF, 66.9 KB). You do not need to book to attend the seminars that you participate in, only your own presentation timeslot.
Completed seminar participation forms are to be emailed to with the subject 'Completed Seminar Participation Sheet'.
Failure to participate in five seminars means your overall mark for the course is capped at 49% and your final grade is capped at 3.
Note: your seminar will be recorded for official moderation and review of results as required.
Conference paper
Postgraduate coursework thesis students must complete a 2-page or 4-page conference paper.
This item of assessment introduces students to an important medium of scientific and professional communication.
Students are required to submit a conference paper on their research findings in the form of an extended abstract.
The paper must follow the conference paper template (Microsoft Word format) (DOC, 38 KB). (The paper doesn't have to be completed using Microsoft Word, but it must still follow the template.)
Assessment criteria
The conference paper will be marked by your supervisor using the criteria on the conference paper marksheet (PDF, 226 KB).
You must submit your conference paper via Blackboard (Turnitin).
Page length requirement
#4 unit courses - submit a 2 page conference paper
#6 or #8 unit courses - submit a 4 page conference paper
Poster and demonstration
Each student must verbally and visually present the results of their work at a time negotiated with their supervisor and examiner during the demonstration week.
Where tangible working hardware or software has been produced, it should be demonstrated.
All students will be required to produce a poster documenting their work to support their presentation.
Assessment criteria
The poster and demonstration will be marked by your examiner using the Poster and Demonstration marksheet (PDF, 244.7 KB).
The poster should clearly identify the project title, goals, some relevant background information and outcomes.
The abstract should clearly state the project aims and goals, methods used and the project outcomes.
The posters may be created using this poster template (PPTX, 3 MB) (more information is found on the template itself).
The posters are designed to be printed in colour on A3 paper (print using the size to fit option). Colour A3 printing is available on campus via POD or the UQ Union Print Shop.
Final presentation
Students undertaking a CEED or placement project have a final presentation at the end of the project, at a time and date to be negotiated with the industry and academic supervisors but no later than the date given in the course profile.
For a placement away from the Brisbane area, the presentation will take place on the student's return to UQ at an agreed time.
Where tangible working hardware or software has been produced, it should be demonstrated.
Assessment criteria
The presentation will be marked by the academic supervisor using either the seminar marksheet (PDF, 196.1 KB) or the demonstration marksheet (PDF, 158.7 KB) as appropriate.
Thesis (final report)
The project thesis is the major means of reporting the contribution of the project.
The thesis should be such as to facilitate assessment by persons other than the supervisor, and should comprehensively include material on the problems and goals of the project, applicable methods, the approach taken, major decisions and the reasons for the selection of goals and methods, results, the extent to which the goals have been achieved, the relevance, importance and context of achievements and the reasons for any shortcomings.
Production of the thesis is regarded as part of the educational value of the project, and the supervisor should give guidance where appropriate.
Please refer to the Formatting your thesis page for more information.
Assessment criteria
The thesis will be marked by both the supervisor and examiner using the thesis marksheet (PDF, 407.1 KB). Their marks will contribute equally towards this component of the assessment.
Students must submit their thesis via Blackboard (Turnitin).
Please refer to the Thesis Submission Information page for more information.