Before a Toolkit is Issued

  1. Confirm the person has formally requested access to the Electronics Engineering Lab
  2. Confirm the person has completed the Online OHS Declaration
  3. Confirm the person has read and confirmed as being read, the General Risk Assessment for the Lab
  4. Confirm the person has booked a solder station
  5. Confirm all tools are present and consumables are in adequate supply

When a Toolkit is Issued

  1. Ensure the number on the toolkit matches that the solder station to which it has been allocated
  2. If applicable, check that the person's student card has been handed in
  3. Toolkits are not to leave the lab, therefore there is no requirement to record loans in the Equipment Database

When a Toolkit is Returned

  1. Ensure the workplace has been returned to a satisfactory condition before the person leaves the lab
  2. Ensure all tools are present and undamaged before the person leaves the lab
  3. If applicable, return the person's student card

Before Returning to Storage

  1. Replace depleted consumables as required and charge accordingly

Return to Storage

  1. Return toolkits to their allocated storage bin

Amendments to Procedure

Inform the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager at the earliest opportunity if this procedure has, or needs to be altered in any way