Breach of EECS laboratory rules
Staff Responsibilities
- All members of the Engineering and Technical Support Group are responsible for monitoring the activities of persons in Teaching Laboratories and Thesis and Research Laboratories under their supervision.
- It is expected that brief and routine inspections of facilities are carried out with a view to detecting breaches or other anomalies.
Verbal Notification
- Persons found in a laboratory and to be in breach of laboratory rules shall be verbally notified and given reasons why they are in breach.
- At the discretion of the Lab Supervisor, the person may be ejected from the lab and access revoked or allowed to remain in the laboratory pending formal notification.
Formal Notification
- In all cases, the person shall be formally notified they were found to be in breach of laboratory rules by way of an email which shall conform to the prescribed template.
- The Engineering and Technical Support Manager shall be sent a carbon copy (cc).
Notification Template
Use this template for the notification email:
<Name / Student Number>,
This is a notification that you were found in Room <room number> on <day> at <time> Hrs and to be in breach of EEC's laboratory rules by way of
- Entering without using your Smartcard
- Using your Smartcard to gain entry for another person
- Being in the room outside standard access hours
- Having food or drink in the laboratory
- Unauthorised removal of equipment or furniture
- Failing to leave the facility in a satisfactory condition
- Failing to complete the online OH&S declaration for the room
- Wearing incorrect footwear
Your current access status: <Currently Active Pending Review / Has Been Revoked>
You are now required to contact the Engineering & Technical Support Manager by email and explain why you should not be dealt with under the School's misconduct policy.
Irrespective of your current access status, failure to respond within 2 working days will result in your access being revoked until the situation has been satisfactorily resolved.
<Your name>
<Your title>
Depending upon the severity of the breach and at the discretion of the Engineering and Technical Support Manager the person shall be:
- Sent a formal warning by email which shall conform to the prescribed template, and laboratory access re-established or
- Referred to the School Manager for further action
Final Decision Template (ETSG Manager Only)
Use this template for the formal warning email:
<Name / Student Number>,
With reference to your recent breach in laboratory rules in Room <room number> on <day> at <time>Hrs in which you were found:
- Entering without using your Smartcard
- Using your Smartcard to gain entry for another person
- Being in the room outside standard access hours
- Having food or drink in the laboratory
- Unauthorised removal of equipment or furniture
- Failing to leave the facility in a satisfactory condition
- Failing to complete the online OH&S declaration for the room
- Wearing incorrect footwear
It has been decided on this occasion, no further action will be taken and normal laboratory access will be restored.
However, you are reminded that the laboratory rules have been put in place to ensure our compliance with Workplace Health & Safety legislation and University requirements, both of which are not negotiable.
Laboratory rules are for your safety, the safety of others and to promote a pleasant environment in which to operate.
Therefore, in order to avoid any further action being taken, you are requested to respect and comply with these rules without exception.
After a review of the breach and the fact that this is your second offence, it has been decided to revoke your access for 1 week.
In view of the seriousness of the breach, it has been decided to refer this case to the School Manager for further action. Laboratory access has been revoked until further notice!
<Your Name>
<Your Title>
Inform the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager at the earliest opportunity if this procedure has, or needs to be altered in any way.