Job request and processing
Job requests and processing - miscellaneous
Requested by Persons Within EECS
- Job requests that do not attract material charges and/or require less than 1 hour of labour may be presented directly to any member of the Engineering & Technical Support Group.
- This type of request does not require a job number or the completion of a Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document
- Time allocated to this type of activity is automatically recorded as a job number XX-001 on the time sheet
- Job requests that attract material charges and/or require 1 hour or more of labour may be presented directly to any member of the Engineering & Technical Support Group.
- This type of request must be accompanied by the current issue Standard Format Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document which can be downloaded from the Forms page
The following information is a minimum requirement and must be provided on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document before the job request is processed:
- Full Name
- School / Department
- Student Number (if applicable)
- Course Code, Lab or Division
- Group Number (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Legitimate EECS Account Number (if known)
- Legitimate EECS Free Form Tag
- Account Owner's Name, Signature & Date (ETSG Manager signs for OPALS 4018202 & 4018206)
Requested by UQ Person's External to EECS
Each job request shall be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager for processing using the current issue Standard Format Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document which may be downloaded from the Forms page.
The following information is a minimum requirement and must be provided on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document before the job request is processed:
- Full Name
- School / Department
- Student Number (if applicable)
- Course Code, Lab or Division
- Group Number (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Account Owner's Name & Date
- Full Description of Work Requested
- RISQ Form
RISQ Forms
A completed ETSG Request for Internal Services Quote (RISQ) form, which can be downloaded from the Forms page, must be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager for processing along with the completed Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document.
The requester's Finance Officer is required to authorise expenditure by signing the RISQ and providing their UQ Username.
Requested by Person's External to UQ
- Each job request shall be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager for consideration and agreement regarding terms and conditions
- No work shall commence until a legitimate order has been placed by and received from the client
- The Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager will initiate the appropriate documentation and allocate the job for processing
Self Initiated Jobs
By default, these jobs attract material charges and/or require 1 hour or more of labour, the completion of a current issue Standard Format Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document is mandatory
The following information is a minimum requirement and must be provided on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document:
- Full Name
- School / Department
- Student Number (if applicable)
- Course Code, Lab or Division
- Group Number (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Legitimate EECS Account Number (if known)
- Legitimate EECS Free Form Tag
- Account Owner's Name, Signature & Date (ETSG Manager signs for OPALS 4018202 & 4018206)
How to Acquire & Administer Job Numbers
- Unless already allocated, a job number may be obtained from the online self assigned job numbering system by going to: and selecting SAJobNumber and following the prompts.
- Once issued, the job number must be entered on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document and the document identified as Sheet 1 in the appropriate cell.
- Further Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Documents may be required to record additional tasks not recorded on Sheet 1. These documents must be identified with the original job number and Sheet 2, Sheet 3, Sheet 4 etc.
- All additional Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Documents shall be attached to Sheet 1.
- Under no circumstances should an active project or job be allocated more than one job number or have the initial job number changed.
- The person who was issued with, or first acquired the job number is responsible for the above.
Time Sheets
- A record of time spent on each job is to be entered in the Officer's time sheet to the nearest 15 minutes
- Time sheets shall be submitted weekly to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager for processing
Material Charges
- An accurate record of material costs shall be maintained by way of the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document
- Each person shall have a document tray on their desk in which all active Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Documents are to be kept until the job is completed. Under no circumstances are these documents to be left in other locations.
- Components or parts which have been sourced from the Electronics Engineering Lab should be booked out in the usual manner and the Order Request Form printed and attached to the relevant Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document
- Please do not leave job related Order Request Forms in the Electronics Engineering Laboratory as this will result in the job incurring incorrect charges
- The cost of components or parts which are not sourced from the Electronics Engineering Laboratory shall be recorded on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document in the space provided. This is normally administered by the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager.
- Information regarding quantity, description, price and the purchase order number (if applicable) must be provided for future reference.
Upon Completion
- Upon successful completion and if applicable, the client shall be informed (by the technician) the job is completed and ready for collection.
- The completed Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document and any attachments shall be returned to the Engineering and Technical Support Manager for processing without delay.
- Finally, edit the record in the self assigned job numbering system to indicate the job is finished.
- Under no circumstances should additional time be booked against jobs which have been completed and charges processed. Should the client require further support, it must be treated as a new job request and processed accordingly.
Manufacturing Failures or Defects
Should a manufacturing failure or defect occur, accurate records are to be maintained and the following process adhered to:
On the appropriate Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document:
- In large letters, write EELMFRFAIL on the top left of the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document
- Put a line through the information contained in the Free Form Tag or RISQ cell
- On the back of the same document, provide a brief description and a reason for the failure or defect
A new job number and Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document will be required if the job is to be re-manufactured. Do not use the current job number!
Process Development Activities
Process Development Activities may incur significant costs in terms of materials and time, as such, accurate records are to be maintained
- Unless already issues, a self assigned job number shall be acquired
- On a standard format Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document, enter the job number and Sheet 1
- Enter EELPROCDEV in the Free Form Tag or RISQ cell
- Provide a brief description in the Work Requested By Client cell
- Multiple tasks requiring separate Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Documents may be required during a Process Development phase. Each document should be attached to Sheet 1
Amendments to Procedure
Inform the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager at the earliest opportunity if this procedure has, or needs to be altered in any way.
Job requests and processing for PCBs
Requested by Persons Within EECS
All requests to manufacture PCB's shall be presented to a member of the Electronics Engineering Laboratory. This type of request must be accompanied by the current issue PCB Format Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document which can be downloaded from the Forms page
The following information is a minimum requirement and must be provided on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document before the job request is processed:
- Full Name
- School / Department
- Student Number (if applicable)
- Course Code, Lab or Division
- Group Number (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Legitimate EECS Account Number (if known)
- Legitimate EECS Free Form Tag
- Account Owner's Name, Signature & Date (ETSG Manager signs for OPALS 4018202 & 4018206)
- PCB File Name
- Quantity Required
- Thru Hold Plating (Y / N)
- Number of Layers
- RPF or Etch
- Final Production Requirements
Requested by UQ Person's External to EECS
Each job request shall be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager. This type of request must be accompanied by the current issues PCB Format Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document which can be downloaded from the Forms page.
The following information is a minimum requirement and must be provided on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document before the job request is processed:
- Full Name
- School / Department
- Student Number (if applicable)
- Course Code, Lab or Division
- Group Number (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Account Owner's Name, Signature & Date
- RISQ Form
- PCB File Name
- Quantity Required
- Thru Hold Plating (Y / N)
- Number of Layers
- RPF or Etch
- Final Production Requirements
RISQ Forms
For UQ Clients only, a completed ETSG Request for Internal Services Quote (RISQ) form, which can be downloaded from the Forms page, must be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager for processing along with the completed Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document.
The requester's Finance Officer is required to authorise expenditure by signing the RISQ and providing their UQ Username.
Requested by Person's External to UQ
- Each job request shall be presented to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager for consideration and agreement regarding terms and conditions
- No work shall commence until a legitimate order has been placed by and received from the client
- The Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager will initiate the appropriate documentation and allocate the job for processing
Self Initiated Jobs
By default, these jobs attract material charges and/or require 1 hour or more of labour, the completion of a current issue Standard Format Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document is mandatory
The following information is a minimum requirement and must be provided on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document:
- Full Name
- School / Department
- Student Number (if applicable)
- Course Code, Lab or Division
- Group Number (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Legitimate EECS Account Number (if known)
- Legitimate EECS Free Form Tag
- Account Owner's Name, Signature & Date (ETSG Manager signs for OPALS 4018202 & 4018206)
- PCB File Name
- Quantity Required
- Thru Hold Plating (Y / N)
- Number of Layers
- RPF or Etch
- Final Production Requirements
How to Acquire & Administer Job Numbers
- Unless already allocated, a job number may be obtained from the online self assigned job numbering system by going to: and selecting SAJobNumber and following the prompts.
- Once issued, the job number must be entered on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document and the document identified as Sheet 1 in the appropriate cell.
- Further Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Documents may be required to record additional tasks not recorded on Sheet 1. These documents must be identified with the original job number and Sheet 2, Sheet 3, Sheet 4 etc.
- All additional Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Documents shall be attached to Sheet 1.
- Under no circumstances should an active project or job be allocated more than one job number or have the initial job number changed.
- The person who was issued with, or first acquired the job number is responsible for the above.
Location & Processing PCB Files
- Firstly, go to your personal Client Files folder on G Drive and create a new folder in which to save the PCB file(s) to be processed
- The name of the folder should be the same as the job number allocated to the task (e.g. 12-345)
- Save the PCB file(s) to the folder for processing
- Unless considered necessary for future reference, once the job has been completed delete all files from the folder except the original PCB file(s)
- Folders containing PCB files will be mobed for archiving by the Engineering & Technical Support Manager at regular intervals
Time Sheets
- A record of time spent on each job is to be entered in the Officer's time sheet to the nearest 15 minutes
- Time sheets shall be submitted weekly to the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager for processing
Material & Tool Charges
- An accurate record of material costs and/or tool charges shall be maintained by way of the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document
- Each person shall have a document tray on their desk in which all active Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Documents are to be kept until the job is completed. Under no circumstances are these documents to be left in other locations.
- Under Materials / Tools and Quantity Used enter details regarding milling tool usage and/or other materials sourced from stock during the manufacturing process, paying close attention as to how PCB and laminating material are to be accounted for
Printed Circuit Board Charges:
Etched Boards
- Enter the dimensions (to the nearest 0.5cm) of the toal amount of material used to manufacture the PCB, not the finished size!
Milled Boards
- If the material is used for a single job enter the full dimensions (to the nearest 0.5cm) of the material placed on the bed of the Protomat
- If the material is or has been used for multiple jobs the dimensions are to be calculated (to the nearest 0.5cm) by adding 5cm to the x & y dimensions of the finished board
Material Supplied
- If the PCB material does not attract charges (e.g. supplied by client, free from stock etc) this should be indicated by entering PCB Material Supplied or PCB Free From Stock on the Work Requested By Client cell
Lamination Material Charges
All Materials
- Enter the toal length (to the nearest 0.5cm) of material used to laminate the PCB as if it were single sided, not forgetting to include the lead in material of approximately 33cm
- The total amount of material dispensed by both rollers is accounted for in the charging process
Upon Completion
- Upon successful completion and if applicable, the client shall be informed (by the technician) the job is completed and ready for collection.
- Irrespective of where the PCB material was sourced, the finished size of the PCB (to the nearest centimetre) shall be entered on the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document
- The completed Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document and any attachments shall be returned to the Engineering and Technical Support Manager for processing without delay.
- Finally, edit the record in the self assigned job numbering system to indicate the job is finished.
- Under no circumstances should additional time be booked against jobs which have been completed and charges processed. Should the client require further support, it must be treated as a new job request and processed accordingly.
Manufacturing Failures or Defects
Should a manufacturing failure or defect occur and the PCB is found to be unusable and subsequently written-off, accurate records are to be maintained and the following process adhered to:
On the appropriate Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document:
- In large letters, write EELMFRFAIL on the top left of the Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document
- Put a line through the information contained in the Free Form Tag or RISQ cell
- On the back of the same document, provide a brief description and a reason for the failure or defect
A new job number and Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document will be required if the PCB is to be re-manufactured. Do not use the current job number!
Process Development Activities
Process Development Activities may incur significant costs in terms of materials and time, as such, accurate records are to be maintained
- Unless already issues, a self assigned job number shall be acquired
- On a standard format Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Document, enter the job number and Sheet 1
- Enter EELPROCDEV in the Free Form Tag or RISQ cell
- Provide a brief description in the Work Requested By Client cell
- Multiple tasks requiring separate Technical Instruction / Cost Recovery Documents may be required during a Process Development phase. Each document should be attached to Sheet 1
Amendments to Procedure
Inform the Engineering & Technical Support Group Manager at the earliest opportunity if this procedure has, or needs to be altered in any way.