Persons Authorised to Grant Access

With the exception where authorised IT staff may grant access by course code, only members of the Engineering & Technical Support Group are authorised to grant and arrange access to EECS Engineering Laboratories.

Under no circumstances are members of ETSG permitted to arrange access to other facilities.


  1. All persons must have a UQ account before access can be considered
  2. Undergraduate students must be enrolled for the period that access has been requested.  If they are not enrolled, then access will be denied.
  3. Before processing the request, the person's details (as prescribed by Laboratory Access Admin Procedure) must be received by email and include:
    • Person's full name
    • Student number or UQ Login (whichever is applicable)
    • Course Code (if applicable)
    • Room(s) to which access is sought
    • Period over which access is required
  4. Once confirmed, access may be granted.

SmartCard - EAIT Access Control System

  1. Open your internet browser and go to:
  2. From the list under Main Page select EAIT Security / Access Control System -  the Access Control - EAIT Physical Security page should now be displayed
  3. From the options displayed to the left of Logged in as, select People - the Card Search page should now be displayed

SmartCard - Search for Person

  1. Set the search type to Auto and enter the person's UQ login, card number or name
  2. Once entered, select the Search button
  3. Depending upon your search criteria either the Card Search page will display a list of names from which you will need to select the correct person, or the person's Access Control - Cardholder page will be displayed.  If the person is not displayed as a valid cardholder, please advise our IT staff of the situation via the Helpdesk and wait until the person has been validated and placed in the system

SmartCard - Add Access

  1. Check that you are in Access Control - Cardholder view before continuing
  2. Select the Add Access option which is located under Access Levels
  3. The Add Security Access window should now be displayed
  4. Select the room to which entry is sought from the Access Level drop-down menu, being careful to select the option with the appropriate time zone settings.
    • As a general rule, undergraduate students and tutors have limited access, staff & RHD students have 24/7 access.  If you are unsure which time zone settings to select, the Laboratory Information page clearly indicates the standard undergraduate access hours assigned to each of our laboratories.
    • If the required room and/or time zone option is not displayed in the drop down menu, please advise our IT staff of the situation via the Helpdesk and wait until the option has beed added to the list.  A room with no inidcated time zone will default to 24/7 access and should not be allocated ot undergraduates!
  5. Enter the access start and finish date as required
  6. Information regarding the type of access granted shall be entered in the Reason window in the following format:
    • Undergrads: Granted by <your initials>, <course code>, <date>
    • RHD's: Granted by <your initials>, RHD <date>
    • Tutors: Granted by <your initials>, Tutor <Course Code>, <date>
    • Staff: Granted by <your initials>, Staff Access <date>
  7. Once completed, select the Add This Access button. 
    • The list under Access Levels should now include the room to which access has been granted and the current processing status.  If after repeated attempts, the list fails to update correctly please advise our IT staff of the situation via the Helpdesk and wait until you are advised the system is fully functional before attempting to grant further access.
  8. Send the confirmation email



Once the request has been successfully processed, a confirmation email (please use template below) shall be sent to the person (and the person who authorised this request) confirming access has been granted and informing them of their obligations.  The person who has granted access is responsible for issuing the confirmation email!

Hello <name>,

Access to Room <room number> has been grated as requested.

You are now required to complete the online Safety Declaration Form and  U/G Student Lab Safety Induction Assessment as a condition of entry.  Should you experience problems with the Safety Declaration Form please contact stating the problem and requesting assistance.

Laboratory access hours are strictly <00:00Hrs to 00:00Hrs : 24/7 / 7 Days / Mon-Fri>.


Check OH&S Declarations

Open the OH&S Declarations Report and from the drop-down menu select the appropriate room and confirm the online OH&S Safety Declaration has been completed


  • Members of the ETSG will NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for the workplace health & safety of any individual in a laboratory unless access has been sought in strict accordance with the relevant ETSG Admin Procedure and access subsequently granted in strict accordance with this procedure.


Please inform the Engineering & Technical Support Manager at the earliest opportunity if this procedure has, or needs to be altered in any way.