Test and tag
Undergraduate Equipment Test and Tag
Please refer to the Faculty website for Undergraduate Test & Tag located at:
OH&S Requirements
- Ensure you have either completed a Risk Assessment or read (and confirmed as being read) the relevant Risk Assessment before attempting to operate this equipment
- The UQ Risk Management Database is located at: www.risk.admin.uq.edu.au
Operational Requirements
- This procedure is to be used in conjunction with the Seaward PatGuard PT300 Electrical Test Unit Manual, current Federal and State legislation and within the University guidelines
- Check the calibration period has not expired. If expired, the equipment must be returned for calibration before continuing
Label Format
All equipment, once tested, is to be fitted with a broadcast test tag. Test personnel are to label the item using a unique 10-digit identifier in the Asset ID field. This number is based on the owner of the item, the date a and a unique 2-digit incremental number as shown below:
Unique 10 Digit ID | NN DDMMYY XX |
School of Architecture | AR <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
AWMC | AW <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
School Chem Eng | CE <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
School Civil Eng | CI <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
Construction Site | CS <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
EAIT Faculty | FA <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
School of EECS | IT <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consectuive #01 to 99 |
School of Mech & Mining | MM <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
Personal Item | PS <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
Faculty Workshop Group | WS <insert date in ddmmyy format> Consecutive #01 to 99 |
- This 10-digit asset ID identifier is specific to the Test & Tag system and is not the item's UQ Asset Number
- Only the faculty workshop group electricians select a weekday date. To avoid duplication when two personnel are testing in one building, all other qualified personnel are to select a Saturday or Sunday date from the previous weekend (or subsequent weekends prior to this if they require more than 200 new labels in that week.
Interval Between Inspection & Tests
Type of Workplace / Environment | Class 1 & 2 Equipment, Cord Sets, Cord Extension Sets & EPODs | RCD Push Button Test By User | RCD Time to Operate Test & RCD Push Button Test | ||
Portable | Fixed | Portable | Fixed | ||
Factories, workshops, places of manufacture, assembly, maintenance of fabrication | 6 months | Daily, or before every use (whichever is longer) | 6 months | 12 months | 12 months |
Environment where the equipment or supply flexible cord is subject to flexing in normal use or is open to abuse in hostile environment or is in a hostile environment | 12 months | 3 months | 6 months | 12 months | 12 months |
Environment where the equipment or supply cord is not subject to flexing in normal use and is not open to abuse and is not in a hostile environment | 5 years | 3 months | 6 months | 2 years | 2 years |
Residential types of areas: hotels, residential institutions, motels, boarding houses, halls, hostels, accommodation houses, and the like | 2 years | 6 months | 6 months | 2 years | 2 years |
Equipment used for commercial cleaning | 6 months | Daily or before every use (whichever is longer) | N/A | 6 months | N/A |
Hire equipment inspection | Prior to hire | Including push-button test by hirer prior to hire | N/A | N/A | |
Hire equipment test & tag | 3 months | N/A | 3 months | 12 months | |
Repaired, serviced and second hand equipment | After repair or service which could affect electrical safety, or on reintroduction to service, refer to AS/NZS 5762 |
Construction sites within UQ are administered by the principal contractor and as such will have their own label colour codes and numbering system.
Database Records & Equipment Information
- The Seaward PATGuard SQL Database resides on the EAIT Faculty Network: \\tangerine.eait.uq.edu.au\patguard\PATGuard.exe. Contact software@eait.uq.edu.au for details.
- The levels of authorised access depend upon the username selected and include:
- Admin = Administrator - password protected (View / Add / Edit / Delete / Setup)
- Coordinator = Sub-Administrator - password protected (View / Add / Edit)
- User = Standard user access, not password required (View / Add)
- All items are listed in the test & tag database in the following structure:
- Client: UQ
- Site: Building Name (e.g. Axon)
- Location Room number in Building Number / Room Number format (e.g. 50/S107A)
Any sites or locations added to the database must adhere to this nomenclature
- Maintaining accurate electrical test records are a legislative requirements. As such, all items should be recorded with the following information:
- Asset ID = a unique 10-digit identifier
- Description = a basic, meaningful description of the item such as Lead, AC Adapter, Power Drill, Scope, Power Supply, PC, Laptop, Fridge etc
- Make = Manufacturers name
- Model = Item Model No.
- Serial No. = Insert UQ Asset Tag No. in xxxx/xxxx/xxx format. Where no UQ Asset No. barcode tag is fitted, insert manufacturers serial # if present or the ETSG part #
- Any item that is identified as overdue in the database but cannot be located should have its records moved to the "LOSTPROPERTY" location for that site. This will ensure that any overdue test reminder flags are not continually generated by missing equipment but allows for the test records to be re-associated with equipment if it is found elsewhere.
- Where Previously tested items have lost or had their tag removed, attempts should be made to locate their original 10-digit test & tag identifier by passing any relevant information (such as equipment type, make, serial no. etc) to testandtag@eait.uq.edu.au. If unsuccessful, a new, compliant 10-digit unique test and tag identifier should be allocated to that piece of equipment.
- For any equipment in the EAIT Faculty, other than personal equipment, that has a non-standard test and tag 10-digit identifier, the equipment should be retested and given a new, compliant 10-digit unique test and tage identifier in accordance with section 1 of this procedure. The existing, non-conforming tag should be removed and returned to the EAIT Electrical Workshop along with details of the new 10-digit unique test and tag identifier allocated to ensure that the previous test records can be associated with the item under its new identifier. Where this is not possible, the old item will be archived from the EAIT test & tag database.
- Any equipment failing an electrical safety test is to be tagged with a test failure tag (which states: Danger - Do Not Use) removed from service or locked out and reported to both testandtag@eait.uq.edu.au and the user or area supervisor immediately. All repairs are to be approved by EAIT electrically qualified staff.
- Any repair information is to be recorded in the "Notes" area of the test results for any item returned to service following repair. Information on any repairs should be sent to testandtag@eait.uq.edu.au along with the details of the item's 10-digit identifier.
- Test results are to be downloaded from the Seaward PatGuard PT300 Electrical Test Units to the test and tag database within 1 week form the test date and only by approved staff that have been given authorised access to do so. All users are required to contact their local test and tag coordinator or testandtag@eait.uq.edu.au to arrange for test data to be downloaded onto the database.
- All test data is to be downloaded to a file prior to loading into the database. The filename should take the form PAT UNIT x yymmdd.sss where x = PAT Unit No. and yymmdd is the date in reverse 6-digit format. Once downloaded, the file will open for viewing. In order to subsequently transfer the data to the database, select the process option in the data view window.
- Once all the data is downloaded successfully to the database, remove all records from the PAT Unit.
Maintenance & Training
- All Seaward PatGuard PT300 Electrical Test Units are to be returned to the Faculty Electrical Workshop for annual offsite calibration. Test equipment must not be used once the calibration period has expired.
- All electrical test equipment loaned from the Faculty Electrical Workshop must be returned immeidately after testing is complete or when requested by Electrical Workshop staff.
- Annual test & tag equipment refresher courses are run by the Faculty Electrical Workshop to ensure staff are familiar with any changes in legislation, local procedures and/or equipment upgrades.
- All test & tag related enquiries should be directed to testandtag@eait.uq.edu.au in the first instance.
Amendments to Procedure
Inform the Engineering & Technical Support Manager at the earliest opportunity if this procedure has, or needs to be altered in any way.