We develop AI in the service of humans, incorporating the principles of interaction and participatory design to match AI design with end-user need and background context.

In collaboration with community members and colleagues from humanities and social sciences, our work addresses societal and business challenges in AI.

We develop foundational theory, design new practices of AI and automation, build capacity and networks and connect policy with AI ethics.

  • Human-Centred AI (HCAI) Project
    Human-Centred AI (HCAI) seeks to place people rather than technology at the centre of AI system development and implementation. The HCAI Project at The University of Queensland is a multi-disciplinary collaboration which aims to assist this movement in a number of ways, such as by improving models of human psychology in AI, working on ethical guidelines and governance, and understanding how AI systems are trusted.

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  • OPAL
    The OPAL project is a collaboration between engineering, computer science, psychology, interaction design, and robotics with the aim of building social robots for studying child-robot interaction. 
  • Florence
    The Florence project designs communication technology to assist people living with dementia 
  • Transcription Acceleration Project (TAP)
    The Transcription Acceleration Project (TAP) is a CoEDL project aimed at identifying the workflow of linguists during transcription and developing assistive tools to accelerate that process. Elpis is a key tool that has been developed within the TAP project, using cutting-edge speech recognition technology to obtain a first-pass transcription on untranscribed audio. Access Elpis GitHub
  • Auslan Communications Technologies Pipeline Project (TAS)
    The Auslan Communication Technologies Pipeline project is a three-year project which will develop a modular pipeline of artificial intelligence systems. It is part of the Trusted Autonomous Systems Defence CRC

  • Visualising AI - A collaboration between UQ Human Centred Computing, Qld AI Hub and the Brisbane Street Art Festival to spark curiosity and conversation around the creation and use of artifical intelligence.